Establishing Flight Level 2 Team

Change Management
Organisation change.
Project type
Change Management
Project year

To Backlog

The place where anyone can put in their draft ideas using the template (here)

  • Once done, the Epic reporter presents it to the team during the next Sync meeting.

The following structure has to be met before putting an idea in the column:

  • Descriptive Title (avoid very generic titles. e.g. Add New Report)
  • Short description of what’s needed (Context & Description)
  • The initiative is assigned whenever possible

To Analysis

  • Epic owner is assigned.

During this stage, Epic Owner fills in the Epic template content.

To R4Impl/Backlog

  • Epic has defined at least:
    • Business Benefits Hypothesis,
    • Acceptance Criteria
    • Estimation of efforts and funding
    • Stakeholder list
  • The Product Manager reviews epic FL2
  • Feasibility is assessed by the Development team (FL1).

During this stage, Epic Owner defines (collaborating with relevant stakeholders and developers if applicable) Stories / Tasks that will deliver forecasted benefits.

To Next/ Committed

  • Stories/ Tasks are defined and linked to the Epic.

During this stage, Epic is waiting to be picked by the relevant team/person to execute.

To In Progress

  • The team/person responsible for executing underlying work picks tasks/stories and starts working on them.

During this stage, Epic Owner collaborates with the team/person providing relevant information and feedback to ensure smooth execution. Part of it might be participating in the FL1 Sprint Review meetings and approving specific work items.

To Validation

  • Development work is done, and technical implementation is being tested

Epic Owner validates and confirms the technical implementation of the specified Epic features/ benefits during this stage.

To Releasing

  • All the stories/tasks/bugs are closed or addressed

During this stage, Epic  Owner supports the team responsible for releasing Epic to the Production environment providing a release plan if needed.  Epic is deployed on the Production environment.

To Proving

  • Epic is deployed to the Production environment.

During this stage, Epic Owner proves the forecasted Business Benefit Hypothesis.

To Done

  • Enough data is collected to prove Business Benefit Hypothesis right or wrong.
  • Decision pivot/perseverance is made.
  • Lessons learned are shared.

No items found.

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Let's work together!

Have an idea, a challenge, or a vision? Share it with me—I’m here to help turn it into results. Please fill out the form below, and let’s start creating something great. I’ll get back to you as soon as possible!

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